Providing high quality raw materials for animal feed additives , up scaling service ,aiming to improve milk, meat , fish and egg production to meet increasing demand on animal proteins .
Our mission to enhance productivity of farms in order to supply animal protein that participate on covering market demands both nationally and internationally
Its one of our core value which is totally integrated in our mission , to be entirely committed and consistent with market needs ,to achieve sustainable growth and positive impact on economical , environmental and social status of our society through animal and human health
PhileoPharma is bonded to value and ethics , which guided us every step of our long journey , it is the way we communicate with our community and with each others.
Team work , credibility ,professionalism and social responsibility are our main anchor
Sustainability , safety , excellence and accountability are our main objectives
At PhileoPharma®, our key strengths lie in our implicating technology that is a first of kind on Africa and Middle east, and technical expertise developed over more than 30 years.
PhileoPharma® is innovative company aiming to develop and improve animal health products, alternatives to antibiotics and substituting any material that comprise both animal and consequently human health.
If you have a question about our products or services, or just want more information, fill out the form below and someone on our team will be in contact with you.